EWE Spirit Cup Annapolis
Second Annual SCC Spring Race for EWE Spirit – The EWE Spirit Cup
The Sailing Club of the Chesapeake (SCC) will once again host its Spring Regatta May 21 in Annapolis in support of the EWE Spirit Foundation.
The popular spring regatta is open to any sailing vessel. CRCA racers require a CRCA class eligibility certificate. If a boat does not have a current rating, one may be implemented or the boat may be placed in a Portsmouth Yardstick Class with a Portsmouth Number. Any class with four or more entries may have one-design scoring, and a special river course will be run for the Harbor 20 class. CHESSS, CRCA, and any one-design classes so requesting shall be in the cruising division. PHRF, ORR, Portsmouth, and remaining OD classes will be in the racing division.
Register here: https://www.regattaman.com/new_event_page.php?race_id=679&yr=2022
There will be a peer-to-peer fundraising competition, open to anyone whether sailing in the regatta or not. There will be an award for the top individual fundraiser and for the top team.
Sign up to fundraise: https://secure.qgiv.com/event/esca/
Again this year Forward Brewing will have a special run of La Spirit beer in honor of Geoff Ewenson and in support of the EWE Spirit Foundation.